HDPE bags and sacks

Previous Next HDPE bags and sacks are the most common packaging materials. It is used for regular consumption at home or office as well as for the industrial use with a specific purpose – food bags, bags for packing goods to be transported, and many others. The HDPE foil is used as a hose version […]
HDPE top sheets

Previous Next HDPE top sheets with individual sheets separated by perforation and wound on a roll in flat foil design. The overlays are torn off and placed on a pallet, which is then wrapped with stretch film. HDPE top sheets are used to protect pallets and goods during transport and against natural influences. Higher strength […]
HDPE packaging film

Previous Next HDPE packaging film is used to wrap and protect a wide range of goods in various industries. They are especially suitable for food, textiles, printed materials and others. HDPE foil has 3 basic types: flat foil, hose and semi-hose. Semi-hoses and hoses can be produced with stock (tabs). Non-shrinkable, weldable Higher strength than […]